Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blog Challenge Day: 25

A song that matches my mood:

The song I really want to put up, isn't even on youtube! Sad, sad day.  I would have picked Enough by Tyrone Wells (yeah, click it!) because it's such a happy, optimistic song, and I like to think that I'm a pretty happy, optimistic person.  And who doesn't want to feel that way? I thought so.

But I always rant and rave about him, and this is my blog, so I can put however many songs I want on here, gosh dang it! So I pick... this one too!

Seems that I can't remember where I ran across these guys either, but it was a few months ago, and I saw them and didn't catch their name and I was SO upset!! Somehow I found them again.  Again, yay!!

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