Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A buncha sickies

Poor little Hudson came down with a fever last Thursday (almost a week ago) and the little trooper has felt miserable every since! His fever is mostly gone, but it seems like it comes and goes, and the poor guy has a cough that just interrupts every sentence! But all he wants to do is play and be well and run around and play :( I feel so bad for him, I hate seeing little bodies so sick and achy.  I took the boys and Jaycee to the duck pond today and took the single stroller (stupid on my part, I should have just driven) but at the time, Hudson wanted to walk with Jaycee.  Well, when we got the duck pond, one of Jaycee's little sandals broke.  Great! So she walked around barefoot for a little while.  I tried to call their grandma to see if she could come pick us up in the car, but she didn't answer.  I didn't know it at the time, but she was outside pulling weeds and didn't have the phone with her.

At about 1:30 I decided I was just going to try and fit all the kids in the single stroller by pulling the back down into the bed position.  They were cramped, but it worked.  Hudson got a little fed up by how uncomfortable and cramped it was, so he asked if he could get out and walk.  He walked for a little bit, but we took lots of rests so that he didn't get too tired.  Then a blessed sight came before my eyes! Jeannie Shuldberg to the rescue driving the silent Hyundai of greatness! She is one incredible woman, I tell you.  She told me that she just had the thought that she needed to check on Makenna, she dismissed it once, but it came back with a vengeance, this time it was, "go pick up Makenna!" and she thought, "OK!" and there she was! Am I ever grateful she listened!

Jeannie Shuldberg is probably one of the most generous, caring, mothering, loving, and spiritual women that I have ever been blessed to have in my life.  The Lord really knew what He was doing when He gave me this job.  She's become like another mother to me! She's so wonderful, I love her!

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