Yeah, me too.
So the other day, I (very stupidly) put my entire finger tip on a burning pan. I knew I had burned myself, and initially it hurt a little bit, but I quickly ran my finger under water and put a little Miracell on it and put a bandaid on so it wouldn't rub up against things, because I figured it would hurt. Maybe it was the Miracell (it really is wonderful stuff, heals up anything with practically no scarring) that made it painless, or maybe it was something else, I just don't know! But either way, burns usually hurt quite a bit, and this one just... didn't.
In other news, I have yet to recover from this nasty cold/allergies/flu thing I got going on. Is it just me, or is everyone getting sick?
In yet other news, I have had this TERRIBLE TERRIBLE urge to cut my hair... like CHOP my hair, and I know as soon as I did it, not only would I regret it and be angry with myself, but just about every member of my family would be angry with me as well. This is the longest my hair has ever been, and I really do love it, I was just getting really tired of it, and wanted a change. So instead of cutting my hair, I cut some bangs.
Not my favorite picture, but you get the idea.
Also, the only other time I had bangs was in the fifth grade... and I look the same.