Well, team, this is a pretty exciting thing. Blogging, whoever would have thought? Now it's just time to get my mom on the bandwagon and get her blogging! She'd be a great blogger (did you read that mom?)
I'd like to ask you all something:
What in the world am I supposed to do for a research paper in History??? My wonderful, fabulous professor, Dr. Stecker, told us we had to write a research paper, about 16 pages long, has to be on something before 1500 AD, and needs a title page, a bibliography, a thesis page, and then the body of the paper. The "outline" is due in about a week, and I have already emailed the History tutor to no avail. I'm basically at my wits end. What in the world??? I picked a topic - Ancient Egyptian Medicine - because... well basically I have just always found it fascinating. But now I'm wondering how in the world I'm even going to write a thesis on that topic! Honestly, what in the world am I supposed to try and prove anything on that topic? Advice... please? Anyone that knows anything about writing research papers like this, I would seriously appreciate ANY help that I can get! Thanks :)
Nah. Not stressing! In the words of Radcliffe Emerson, "Peabody thrives on situations like these." Now, I'd like to think of myself as Amelia Peabody Emerson. She's intelligent, she's witty, she's logical, but also intuitive, she's practical, she can fight off an attacker with a parasol. I'd like to think of myself as Amelia Peabody Emerson. I really would.
So here I sit, attacking my History study guides, not knowing how on earth I'm going to get through all the things I have to get done within the next few days. I love it.
Ok, so maybe I'm being a bit cynical, but you know what, it helps, alright? And I reall do need a break from this study guide. Confucius and Daoism and Young Kong Qui and Filial Piety.... it's all far too exciting to take in at once. I'd better get back to it though, I think it misses me.